Nathan and Robyn Campbell

Nathan and Robyn have three children. They both completed the same level of theological training at Queensland Theological College. Nathan was the ‘campus pastor’ of the City South campus when it was planted by Living Church (then Creek Road) in 2014, and is now just our pastor pastor.

A journalism graduate, and Public Relations professional in his previous professional life, Nathan occasionally writes for various publications, but more frequently publishes pieces about the intersection between Christianity and culture on his blog.

Nathan enjoys reading, playing soccer, gaming, and cafe hopping with Robyn. Robyn enjoys gardening and working on projects that bring out her creative and problem solving sides. She works part time as a teacher,and you’ll find her serving in a voluntary capacity in many areas of church life. Nathan and Robyn love giving and receiving hospitality, and would love to have you around for a meal to hear about your life, to answer questions, or talk about Jesus, or life as part of our church.”


The word “Presbyterian” comes from the greek word for ‘elder.’ Presbyterian churches are governed by local elders, who form a ‘session,’ and elders from each congregation attend statewide and national courts called Assemblies.

The church is the ‘household of God’ (1 Timothy 3), and the Bible pictures eldership a bit like being a ‘father figure’ in the church. Our session meetings are a bit like family meetings, where we invite both elders and their wives to help guide our community towards godliness. Session meetings are public (unless we’re dealing with particularly sensitive matters), and anybody is welcome to ask when they’re on (normally the second Tuesday of the month), to attend, and to contribute to the discussion to help us make decisions that are shaped by our Mission, Vision, and Values, and that are wise and transparent.

Phil and Linda Richardson

Phil and Linda have two sons. As parents, Phil and Linda want to see the church engaging with a post-Christian context in ways that help both them and their kids love and serve Jesus. You’ll find them serving our church family in all sorts of ways from Growth Groups, to hospitality, to music on Sundays, to pumping out coffees on a Sunday morning, and with Phil helping keep us organised as our “Session Clerk.”

Ryan and Mel Dehnert

Ryan and Mel have two sons. They’re both passionate about cross cultural ministry here in Brisbane. Ryan was on staff at church for many years and still preaches for us occasionally. You’ll find them both looking for opportunities to make church more accessible to newcomers from different cultural backgrounds.

Doug and Rosemarie Green

Doug and Rosemarie have adult children who live in the U.S (a son and a daughter). Doug lectures in Old Testament at Queensland Theological College. Rosemarie helps lead us in worship (that’s a role that includes music on Sundays, but isn’t just about music). They’re valuable surrogate parents and grandparents for many in our church family, and sit near the front on Sundays so that the preacher can note their reassuring and supportive faces (especially when preaching on the Old Testament). They’re also our resident experts on all things K-Drama.

Des and Wendy Soares

Des and Wendy have adult children who live in Brisbane, and a growing band of grandchildren. Des travels the Pacific (when Covid allows), or uses online technology to teach and train surgeons, and providing advice on health policy at home and abroad. He is semi-retired as a surgeon and an elder (but perhaps busier than ever on all fronts). Wendy is part of our committee of management and leads our church towards sustainable practices how we care for one another and the environment. They lead a growth group and provide a house of refuge and a hot cuppa for those who need it, as well as bringing significant wisdom to the life of our community. Des wants to learn to surf and kite surf before his 60th birthday. Wendy enjoys gardening and composting, supporting the bees and worms and storing carbon. She finds sewing masks therapeutic.

Committee of Management

Our Committee of Management handles issues around finances and facilities. Members of our Committee are appointed by the community at our annual congregational meeting.

Currently we’re served by Nathan Richardson, Mitchell Harris, Kamina Wust, John Board, and Marie Heneghan.

Nathan Richardson is our treasurer, and enquiries about our finances, budgeting, or giving, can be directed to


These formal structures — including our staff — exist to help us function together as a church community, as the ‘body of Christ.’ We believe each member of the body of Christ has a part to play — and while these people are listed for transparency in case there are issues that need to be raised, the Bible tells us the ‘least visible’ parts of the body who serve in vital ways that imitate Jesus are “worthy of double honour.” Our staff and elders exist to help “train and equip the body of Christ for works of service.”[/nectar_highlighted_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]