“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Jesus, Matthew 18:20

We get it. You might be worried the roof will fall down; that you’re not good enough for church, or there’s fine print and you won’t be really welcome if you turn up.

Or you think churches are bad news, that institutional religion has had its day, or that we might be a cult, or that Christians are hypocrites. 

We’ve been there. We hear you. We feel that too sometimes. 

The good news is, it’s not about us — Christians, the church, institutional religion — and it’s not about how good we are (or you are). We’re not worth the hype. We’re not ‘vibrant’ or ‘awesome.’ Some of us are lucky to get out of bed on a Sunday. Some of us have been hurt or marginalised by churches too.  

But Jesus is good news for everyone. He restores the broken. Gives rest to the weary. Finds the lost. Satisfies the hungry. Gives life to the dead. He gives us meaning and purpose, and unites us in love.

We’d love you to meet Jesus, and have your life changed, like we have. Through Jesus we’d love you to meet the God who made everything, to rediscover wisdom, truth, and beauty and what they mean. 

We long to see the love and life of Jesus change individual lives, and challenge injustice.

If coming along to church one Sunday still sounds scary, or you’d like to meet up with someone before you visit, drop us a line.